Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fruits of Ecuador

El Mercado de Frutas

Since we have no classes on Fridays (or really any day for that matter), my friend Cassidy and I decided to  go to the fruit market to see if we could figure out what fruits our moms are feeding us in our morning juices. Here are some of what we tried and all for $4.
Pitahaya-Dragon fruit
Carambola-Star fruit
Taxo-Banana Passionfruit 
Maracuya-Passion fruit
Maracuya is now one of my favorite fruit juices, however it is too sour to eat strait out of the fruit. It is the coastal version of the Taxo (from the Sierra), but I don't care for the taxo at all!
Naranja- Oranges 

Tuna-Prickly Pear
 There were two different types of the Prickly Pear, rosa y blanco. But you have to watch out because they are actually SUPER prickly with invisible spines and the have an outrageous amount of seeds! One question that has still gone unanswered is whether or not Guayaba and Guava are the same thing. We are still extremely unsure, but in general we had many of our questions answered and got to try lots of cool fruits!



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